As obsessed as I am with the texture and taste, there is one thing that trumps them both, my absolute favorite thing about mushrooms: they are the only vegan, plant-based, unfortified source of vitamin D!
There seems to be a national day for just about every food out there, and today happens to be National Mushroom Day! I am personally very excited because mushrooms are one of my favorite plants to eat. I used to hate them…like, absolutely hate them but now I loveee them. I’ve read (and experienced) that transitioning to a clean, plant-based diet changes your taste buds to acquire a taste for more of the simple flavors of fruits and veggies. It’s a really cool thing to experience, going from having only a handful of vegetables I liked to not being able to find any I don’t like! I’m glad I pushed myself to re-try the ones I haven’t liked in the past.
I’ve found what I love most about mushrooms is that they’re so hearty! They remind me of beans in that way—very filling and substantial…a great substitute for meat in terms of texture. They have a somewhat mild taste but are a nice addition to almost any savory meal. My favorite way to eat them is in a veggie and rice sauté, a topping to my cheese-less vegan pizzas, or roasted in the oven.
As obsessed as I am with the texture and taste, there is one thing that trumps them both, my absolute favorite thing about mushrooms: they are the only vegan, plant-based, unfortified source of vitamin D!!! Getting enough vitamin D is hard for everybody and being deficient is all too common, especially for vegans. Knowing there is a plant out there that I can eat an abundance of to get what I need without having to supplement makes for one happy health nut.
Make sure to pair mushrooms with foods high in vitamin A & K such as dark, leafy, green veggies because they promote vitamin D stores and regulated vitamin D metabolism. It’s even best to mix and match the variety of mushrooms that are offered at the grocery store. Each kind contains different amounts and types of vitamins and minerals that will benefit your health.
Check in tomorrow for the mushroom recipe Kristina developed! This one is for all you meat eaters out there.
What are your favorite ways to cook with mushrooms?