It’s March, which means it’s National Nutrition Month! You likely don’t have that marked on your calendar, but as a dietitian/nutritionist, this is the month we dietitians live for! This year’s theme is “Go Further With Food” and I’ve got three foods you may or may not be already familiar with that I absolutely LOVE!
Coconut Water
Coconut water is one of the best natural beverages you can drink. It’s delicious and refreshing and rich in electrolytes, particularly potassium. Over 50% of Americans aren’t getting enough potassium. I like Vita Coco coconut water – it’s natural, minimally processed and a favorite of a lot of athletes I work with.
Vita Coco also makes an organic, cold-pressed, unrefined coconut oil that’s great for cooking or personal care. You definitely want an unrefined oil – less processing, no chemicals. You can find more info at
Almond or Coconut Creamer
I love my morning tea, and I am a milk-in-my-tea person. I love these plant-based, dairy-free creamers called nutpods. They are plant based, made from natural ingredients and perfect in coffee and tea.
Trade up your dairy creamer for nutpods and you’ll join lots of others. They are one of the best-selling and best-reviewed creamer brands. You can also use nutpods in cooking instead of half and half. They are the official creamer of the Whole30 diet program. Order it online at or find it at Publix, Wegmans, Kroger, and other groceries nationally.
Supergrain Bars and Cereal
If you’re looking to keep your diet on track this month, reach for Barley+. Studies show that adding one serving of cereal and one bar to your daily diet can support weight loss. The secret is BARLEYmax, an Australian supergrain that contains prebiotic dietary fiber to feed the good gut bacteria. Fiber has a lot of health benefits including keeping you full for longer.
BarleyMAX, that contains two times more fiber and four times more resistant starch compared to most grains. They have a 3 flavors of muesli cereal and 3 different flavors of bars. For more info go to
What are some of your fave foods either new or new to you?
This post sponsored by Vita Coco, nutpods, and Freedom Foods.